Aishiteruze Baby Folge 1 Ger Sub
Titel: Aishiteruze Baby (dt.: Ich liebe dich, Baby) Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy Setting: Slice of Life Erscheinungsjahr: 2004 Volumes: 26 Folgen. Katakura Kippei is in every way a high school playboy. Spending his days flirting with any female he can see, responsibility is the last thing on his mind. Life takes an unexpected. Aishiteruze Baby Folge 1 Ger Sub.
Aishiteruze Baby - ein herzerwärmender Anime - kommt daher wie eine Packung mit 26 süßen Karamellbonbons. Manchmal ein klein wenig zu süß, doch. 1.3k Yu meets a boy named Shouta at school and likes him from the start. Natsu tries to get Kippei to go out with her so she can buy stuff for cheap and gets.
Kippei is a ladies man. Always in trouble for flirting in class, after class, anytime he can. So it is some big surprise to him when he gets saddled with watching Yuzuyu, a cute little. Looking for information on the anime Aishiteruze Baby★★? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and. Aishiteruze Baby: Als Kippei von der Schule nach Hause kommt, begrüßt ihn an der Tür seine 5 Jahre alte Cousine Yuzuyu. Kippeis Tante Miyako ist verschwunden und hat ihre. Kippei Katakura is the handsome playboy of the school. After ditching school to play around with a girl on the roof, his friends ask him to go play around. However, he received a.