Ribeye of the Sky: Sandhill Cranes in West Texas | S5E10 | MeatEater
Steve and bird hunting aficionado Ronny Boehme join up with wildlife biologist Ed Arnett in Lubbock, Texas to hunt Sandhill cranes. The Sandhill crane offers a unique wingshooting opportunity and also carries the nickname “rib eye of the sky” because of its supposed similarities to a handsome cut of beef. It’s fast action and plenty of laughs as Steve, Ronny, and Ed explore the culinary delights of these birds with a Texas style “Crane Cookout.” #fueledbynature #MeatEater ---------------- Watch full MeatEater episodes here: ...
THE GRATEFUL CRANE (ENGLISH) Animation of Japanese Traditional Stories
🌟ボンボンアカデミーは、保育士や教員の方、ご年配の方々、おうち学習にもぴったりな「おもしろくて、ためになる」動画がいっぱいの教育系YouTube公式チャンネルです。 いっちー&なるの歌、ダンス、体操動画を中心に、昔話、生き物、乗り物、英語チャンツ、Phonics、折り紙、知育などの学びコンテンツがたくさん! ぜひチャンネル登録してお楽しみください♬ 🌟歌・手あそび・ダンスなどのリクエストお待ちしています♪ forms.gle/Mhyy64hyybYPL5Bq9 ───────────────── THE GRATEFUL CRANE (ENGLISH) Animation of Japanese Traditional Stories ENGLISH VOICE - ENGLISH SUB *JAPANESE VOICE - JAPANESE SUB ▷ ▷ youtu.be/S5pAKtsiyxw Animation of Japanese Traditional Stories series (ENGLISH VOICE - ENGLISH SUB) アニメ日本の昔ばなし...
Japanese Fairytale - A Crane's Return of a Favor
ICSP member Mizuki shares a story from their childhood, A Crane's Return of a Favor.
Picture-Story Video「Crane's Return of a Favor」
Contents NO:en020 Produced:YellowBirdProject Original works:Japanese fairy tales Illustration:kotokoto English translation:Yuki Mori Proof reading:Maria Pertseva Narrations:Mercedes The YouTube videos of the Kiiroitori Books collection which is a slideshow incorporating both illustrations and sound for our audiobooks. Homepage: yellow-bird.info Introductory page of the title: yellow-bird.info/index.php?Crane%27s%20Return%20of%20a%20Favor_EJ