Jojo Characters Named After Bands
Cabbage and Stark are named after the English punk bands Cabbage and Janus Stark. Tattoo's birth name, Cronin, is a reference to REO Speedwagon 's lead vocalist Kevin. Jojo Characters Named After Bands.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure names countless characters after songs, bands, and various other pop culture nods and here's some of the best. In the case of JoJo, as you've observed, it has very many characters named after musicians, including all the ones you've spotted in Part 1 - without giving anything away, it gets.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has a lot of music references. It's one of the things the series is known for. And, I'm bored. So I'm gonna gather them all here in a list. This wonderfully eccentric narrative may not be for all viewers, but fans often enjoy all the pop-cultural references and mentions littered throughout the show. These include Stand.
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- jojo characters named after music
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- jojo characters named after songs
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- jojo's bizarre adventure characters named after bands
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- why are so many jojo characters named after bands