Ni No Kuni 2 Faraway Forest Cave
You're looking for a forest region on that island and the cave is at the back. krawecki 6 years ago #3. It's on the island straight east from that green junkyard that you. Faraway Forest – Ni no Kuni 2 Dreamer Maze Locations The tenth and last of the Ni no Kuni 2 Dreamer Maze locations is in the Faraway Forest, which is on an island. How do I get the best items? I'm already clearing it easily but still not getting the good stuff. I'm looting EVERYTHING on each floor but still barely any items of the rare. Ni No Kuni 2 Faraway Forest Cave.
In the Faraway Forest cave, an Opal Huebloom is one of many item pickups spread across the floor of this maze. Return to Hipponoe with the Opal Huebloom to.
Especially hard to find items in the late game will almost assuredly be found in the Faraway Forest. I have no higgleknights. Poison and Higgly Sirrah in this context. ^_~ Poison is amazingly effective in this game against end game bosses, so its a common strategy to spam it via. In the Faraway Forest cave, an Opal Huebloom is one of many item pickups spread across the floor of this maze. Give the sultan's crown to Furnest to complete this.

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