Which Yugioh Protagonist Are You
Posted on May 5, 2020. Believe In The Heart Of The Cards And Take This Quiz To Find Out Which "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Character You Are. It's time to d-d-d-d-decide which member of. Are you the determined Yugi Muto, the cunning Seto Kaiba, or the loyal Joey Wheeler? With just a few clicks, you'll discover which character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe. Which Yugioh Protagonist Are You.
Usually a Dark kind of game; Something that’s rated for mature audiences. Shades of White, Sky Blue, Mostly Light-Themed Colors. Choose the Word that Most.
Find out which of the five protagonists from the original manga you are. DO NOT TAKE UNLESS YOU HAVE READ VOL.1-7 OF THE ACTUAL SERIES! Sometimes the thug life treats you harshly. You know what I mean? Its better just to stay home and eat chicken until the zombies start showing up. Also, cows are. Take this quiz now to find out which 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' character you are closest to! "Yugi Muto, also romanized as Yugi Mutou, is a kind-hearted and childish boy who likes playing.